Year 6 Sports Crew Training

Nina, 10 Oct 2018

Sports Crew Training at Ab Kettleby School

Year 6 Sports Crew Training

On Thursday 13th September 2018 Clare very kindly came to Ab Kettleby Primary school and Somerby also came. We were training to be sports crew leaders and Clare asked us to get into four groups of four and one group of two. Clare gave us a sheet of fun warm up activities and we had to practise them. We had about ten minutes to learn them and then we got together and did each other activity. 

The first activity was called traffic lights. The leaders hold up a coloured cone up and if it was green you run, if it is yellow you walk, when it is red you stop and when it is blue you change direction. 

The next activity was cups and saucers. The way this game works is you split into two groups and one group has to turn the cones the right way up and the other group has to turn the cones the wrong way. The other group’s activity was circle tag. The way this game works is everyone stands in a circle with their hand behind their back. The leader would go around the circle and touch someone’s hands and whoever’s hands got touched had to try not to get tug by the leader. 

The next activity was fruit salad and what you had to do was stand in a circle and the leaders will go around the circle and they will give you a fruit. The fruits were strawberries, watermelons, oranges, bananas, lemons and apples. 

We had a great time practicing to be leaders and we can’t wait to do our own sports clubs on our own. The sports organising crew is a group of people (Year 6) who organise small events, games, clubs and challenges for their schools.