Year 6 Cricket

Miss Kiely, 6 Jul 2018

Year 6 Cricket


Today we did a cricket tournament, it was very fun as cricket is a usually disliked sport (in our classes) but I think we changed the minds of many pupils. Some pupils took some convincing to partake in this tournament as we mentioned before it is a disliked sport between us. Few people didn’t play because they couldn’t but we all found this extremely fun. The scores between the teams were:

Team 1 VS Team 2 = 14runs v 10 runs

Team 3 VS Team 4 = 9runs v 2 runs

Team 5 VS Team 6 = 14runs v 7runs

Team 1 VS Team 6 = 15runs v 11runs

Team 3 VS Team 2 = 7runs v 0runs

The finals are yet to come, in the finals are team 1 and team 3. We had lots of fun so did everyone else by the looks of it, however team 1 and team 3 did try the hardest because they’re in the finals, many teams did put most effort in but some people wouldn’t like to play cricket regularly. We have been doing this for 6 weeks and everyone has shown signs of effort in this sport.

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