PE Response to Covid 19

Helping children recover from the consequences of COVID-19 Delivery Ideas: A range of resources to support the widening of provision in schools with some year groups returning from 01 June. The resources should be used in line with Government and statutory guidance and are focused on the principles and practicalities of delivering PE and sport under current restrictions.


'Managing risk, maximising opportunity!' A practical self-review tool for COVID-19 risk assessment.

'Principles and ideas’ resources designed to complement the latest Government COVID-19 guidance and the Association for Physical Education’s COVID-19 health and safety advice.

'COVID-19: Interpreting the Government Guidance in a PESSPA Context' 

As we move towards the planned wider re-opening of schools and facilities the Association for Physical Education has published guidance to support the Physical Education, School Sport and Physical Activity (education based) workforce. Please see the new support document below:

As more pupils are welcomed back to school, we know that new challenges are arising every day for teachers and school leaders.  Phased returns to school have begun, and the YST are continuing to provide support to teachers and families to ensure that young people can access the important benefits that come from play, daily physical activity, purposeful Physical Education and modified school sport.  These experiences offer so much to support the process of recovery for your students as well as helping them adjust to life back at school.

Primary PE Response to COVID-19

This resource provides you with some suggested activities for primary PE to help pupils return to school linked to the impact of COVID-19.

Secondary PE Response to COVID-19

This resource provides you with some suggested activities for secondary PE to help pupils return to school linked to the impact of COVID-19.

SEND PE Response (KS1-4) to COVID-19

This resource provides you with some suggested activities for inclusive PE to help pupils return to school linked to the impact of COVID-19.

Primary PE COVID-19 Teaching Tips

This resource provides you with some suggested teaching principles for primary PE to help keep children safe and take care of their wellbeing.

School Sport and Enrichment Response to COVID-19

This resource provides you with some principles and top tips for the delivery of school sport in light of statutory guidance.

Carr Manor SGO Area

Welcome to Leeds North East SSP! (formerly known as Carr Manor SGO Area). Here you will find all the information you need to keep you fully informed about the great work and School Sport taking place across Leeds North East.