100 Fun Activities to Boost Your Mood

Staying happy and healthy are really important. Sometimes we might not feel like our normal selves. It is ok to not feel happy 100% of the time, but there are lots of ways to release feel good hormones to help us to feel happy.

100 Fun Activities to Boost Your Mood

Whilst Physical Activity is at the top of my list to stay happy and healthy, there are lots of other ways to boost your mood and release those feel good chemicals - Serotonin  https://www.verywellmind.com/what-is-serotonin-425327 

What is your facourite thing to do to boost your mood? How many of the 100 activities have you tried or can you try? Can you try something new? Can you try something new with a friend or your family? Remember to stick to social distancing guidelines.

Here are my favourite 5:

1. Exercise

2. Go for a walk 

3. Yoga

4. Visit the zoo

5. Call a friend

Source: @BELIEVEPHQ  https://twitter.com/BelievePHQ 

South Bucks SGO Area

The South Bucks SGO area and Sports Partnership is hosted by Alfriston School. Alfriston School is a special needs girl's school based in Beaconsfield. Alfriston is the Lead Inclusion School for Buckinghamshire and we believe in 'a sporting chance for every child'. We have a comprehensive calendar of School Games Inclusive competitions and festivals throughout the year and work with a number of County and community partners to bring about the best opportunities for staff and pupils in Bucks.