imoves resources FREE for Schools

Supporting Your Home Learning Experience with imoves The resources on this page have been created to help teachers and parents with home learning. We know that teaching your children at home can be very a daunting prospective and not at all easy - that's why we've created fun activities that many children will already be familiar with. Resources include Quick Blasts, Active Blasts and other Supporting Resources - and keep coming back because we will be adding and changing activities every day!

imoves resources FREE for Schools


 We’re ALL in this together!

Even just a few weeks ago, none of us could have imagined where we are now, with our country on lockdown, and the majority of our children unable to attend primary school.

With everything that’s going on, it’s easy for others to forget that many schools do still remain open, providing care and a safe environment for the children of our other key workers.

But with so many teachers unable to work, schools that are open are operating on skeleton staff, making teaching increasingly challenging and stressful. So, it’s not surprising that we’ve been inundated with calls from imoves subscribers asking how their teachers can urgently get access to more of our award-winning active learning resources.

Well – I’ve spoken with my team and we ALL agree. We want to do EVERYTHING we can to help.

So we’ve made our FULL imoves Active Schools Package - absolutely FREE.

This full package normally sells for £995 per annum – but it’s now 100% free for as long as it takes for life to get back to normal. And to be clear – this isn’t some clever marketing wheeze.

There’s no payment and no ongoing commitment.

No card details needed. No contract required. No strings attached.

You and every school can now get ALL of imoves resources completely FREE!

It’s not a watered-down trial version. It’s the ‘Full Monty’ with over 1,200 lessons for Primary Schools (4- to 11-year olds), including:

Active learning resources to enable you to build activity into every lesson, from literacy and phonics, to science and maths. A full PE curriculum to make it easy for every teacher to confidently teach Dance, Gymnastics and much more, whatever your background or ability. Mental health & wellbeing resources to build a growth mindset, increase resilience, confidence & mindfulness and reduce anxiety.

I know that right now there are so many hardworking teachers in classrooms trying to keep stressed school children active and engaged. Maybe those teachers have some experience of teaching PE or getting their children active, maybe they don’t. But with imoves they can all become instant superheroes because the hard work is done for them by imoves.

There’s no deadline, or limited number of free subscriptions. Anyone and everyone who is working with primary school children at this difficult time, can have a FREE account. There’s no time limit

This is 100% free until everything is back to normal, and there’s no strings attached or commitment thereafter. We’re serious. We want to help you, and we will do so for as long as it takes.

South Bucks SGO Area

The South Bucks SGO area and Sports Partnership is hosted by Alfriston School. Alfriston School is a special needs girl's school based in Beaconsfield. Alfriston is the Lead Inclusion School for Buckinghamshire and we believe in 'a sporting chance for every child'. We have a comprehensive calendar of School Games Inclusive competitions and festivals throughout the year and work with a number of County and community partners to bring about the best opportunities for staff and pupils in Bucks.