New opportunities

Imaad, 12 Dec 2019

We got the opportunity to run contact rugby at school. We targeted the least engaged children. We was amazed at how much the children loved it and what a difference it has made to their lives. Below is a report from Imaad showing the positive impact it has had on him.

New opportunities


Hi my name is Imaad and I am in year 6. For some reason I didn't like any sports. I hated any type of sports and didn't want to join in. I would hear people telling me to "play football" but when I tried I would get bored easily. To me all you do in football is kick a ball.

However, one day in class we were asked if anyone would like to play a sport that included contact with other players and was called rugby. At first I assumed it would be boring like all the other sports but I give it a go anyway.

After my first practice of rugby in school I started to enjoy it and I was actually quite good at it.

Now I have joined the Burnley Rugby Club and train twice a week. I play matches with other teams every Sunday and I am having the time of my life!

I finally have a sport that I love... Rugby!