Impact Awards
The School Games Impact Awards is the School Games recognition scheme, designed to celebrate the impact achieved for young people by the network of schools, School Games Organisers, Active Partnerships, National Governing Bodies of sport, and National Disability Sports Organisations all aligned to the School Games key outcomes.
Case studies are submitted on a termly basis to capture the impact that the network have had on young people from across the country. One case study per outcome is chosen each term, resulting in 15 case studies being considered at the annual end of year Impact Awards.
At these awards, one entry is chosen per outcome based upon the greatest impact had on young people. These outcomes act as categories, and are based on the following criteria:
Engaging Schools
Recognising schools who engage with the School Games mission and vision through local and county provision to develop understanding and the benefits of physical activity, school sport, and competition.
Positive Experiences for Targeted Young People
Providing positive interventions within the School Games network which target young people facing the biggest inequalities and challenges when it comes to their access, confidence, competence, or motivations to physical activity and school sport.
Secondary School Engagement and Transition
Projects which focus on engaging secondary schools (or at other key transition points) to ensure that they are clear on the intent of the School Games and that their young people benefit.
Personal Development and Youth Voice
Maximising the wider benefits of physical activity and school sport in a School Games project that focuses on either developing young people’s personal development and life skills through activities such as leadership, coaching, volunteering, or demonstrating the power of youth engagement through the co-creation of a project to create positive experiences.
Engaging Stakeholders
Developing activities which engage a wide range of key stakeholders including families, to advocate for the value of the School Games and demonstrate its impact on the lives of children and young people.
School Innovation and Impact
Recognising a school that has engaged with the School Games mission and vision to provide bespoke offering of physical activity and school sport to positively impact their pupils.
Young Person Impact
A celebration of a positive intervention within a School Games project that has impacted a child or group of children’s lives, through utilising physical activity and/or school sport, which has resulted in achievement, personal growth, or substantial lifelong impact.
Best Failure
Recognising a project from the School Games that demonstrates resilience to overcome setbacks with understanding that it is ok to fail. This project is an example of how a ‘failed’ approach can be observed as a learning opportunity for both themselves and others.
Youth Sport Trust and SailGP Schools Impact League Award
The Youth Sport Trust and SailGP are working together in an exciting partnership to recognise schools, School Games Organisers, Active Partnerships, National Governing Bodies of Sport, and National Disability Sports Organisations who contribute to developing a better planet by embracing sustainable school sport and embracing the School Games Eco Friendly value. You will be asked to share with us how you have achieved this with a focus on one or more of the following areas:
- Active spaces – creating sustainable and inclusive spaces to promote physical activity among young people
- Active travel – promoting innovative and sustainable modes of transport
- Engagement – using the power of environmental activism to engage and empower a new generation of young people in physical activity and school sport
- Food – encouraging hydration and promoting healthy eating that is locally sourced and sustainably produced.
Learn more about the winners for 2023-24 here.
The School Games Impact Awards celebrate the impact achieved across the country within the community. Members of the School Games network can log into their dashboard to find out further information on the Impact Awards.
Find out more about the Impact Awards
Visit your dashboard or create an account for more details on how to apply for the Impact Awards.