Year 6 Mixed Sports Hall Athletics Competition

Miss Catton, 21 Apr 2023

Some of our year 6 children competed in a Mixed Sports Hall Athletics Competition on 16th January 2023.

Year 6  Mixed Sports Hall Athletics Competition

18 of our Year 6 children represented Kilmorie in a Mixed Sports Hall Athletics Competition at Predergast Ladywell Academy, this was a pathway competition where the winners represent Lewisham in the London Youth Games.

Our fantastic athletes competed in a number of track and field events against fourteen other Lewisham schools. There were eight schools within our morning group and Kilmorie came 2nd place, overall Kilmorie came 8th place.

Kilmorie Primary School

Kilmorie Primary School is an inclusive, vibrant community committed to enabling our pupils to be successful citizens with a great love for learning. Our school environment is safe, exciting and welcoming to our children and their families. The curriculum at Kilmorie Primary School is broad, rich, immersive and purposeful. We encourage our children to be independent, innovative and curious learners. As well as academic success we strive to develop the children’s emotional intelligence and their empathy for others.

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