Yr 1/2 Multiskills Festival

Jack Yr 6, 23 Feb 2022

Festival For Yr 1 & 2

 My name is Jack and I am a sports ambassador. My role within the school community is to be a role model towards sports. As part of my role, I have been helping to coach a multi skills club on a Thursday afternoon with a teacher from the willow tree. In the club they work on a variety of different skills that would be helpful in a P.E session. For example, in the first session we practised running, jumping and balancing. In the second session we practised bouncing a ball while still maintaining control of it and we did some more running. In the third session, we practised throwing and catching as well as dribbling a football ( their scores were being recorded by me for a competition ). In the final session, I recorded more scores for an event in which you had to bounce a basketball and then had to try to throw it into one of the hoops. Overall, it was a fun experience but there were some challenges while trying to coach these sessions. These were things like trying to get everyone to understand what the objective of the drill was, how to perform it and why it helps them improve when doing sports in general. Later in the year, I would like to try coaching older year groups to see the difference between the ages. This is because I want to experiment whether it is harder to help improve their P.E skills at an older age or a younger age. However I would be interested in helping run a variety of different clubs so I can get a better understanding of what it feels like to teach and just to be helpful in general.