Latest Competitions and Fixtures

Mr Taylor, 14 Feb 2022

WJA have taken part in 2 fixtures recently and doing extremely well. The Y5/6 squad of 20 went to the School Games Sports Hall Athletics and 2 Y4 teams participated in a small football tournament against Ballifield.

The Y5/6 squad of 20 did very well and represented the school fantastically. They took part in various events, such as running, hurdles, relays, throwing, jumping and many more events. They all put in their maximum effort and came 2nd out of 15 schools across Rotherham, just missing out on 1st place. 

The Y4 teams also did well in their competition. This saw 2 teams of girls and boys take part. Overall the the Y4 teams came 2nd and 3rd out of 4 teams.