Cross country

Mr Mullen, 6 Feb 2018

On the 31st January, key stage 2 took part in the cross country event.

Whitehouse attended Allan's west playing field for the cross country event. There were two clusters running on the day (Grangegarth and Ian Ramsay). All of our key stage 2 classes had representatives at which they all had a great time (even though it was very cold!). Our school competed very well and we had a lot more children qualify than we originally expected. We had numerous children who placed within the top 15 (we even had a couple of winners!) and they are all competing again at Preston Park later in the month. We are extremely proud of everyone who took part and we are very excited for the finals day this month!

Whitehouse Primary School

Whitehouse Primary School offers it's pupils numerous sporting activities including: festivals, competitions and sport taster sessions, alongside after-school clubs and an inspiring PE curriculum.

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