Our Results

Sports Crew/Mr Mullen, 17 Nov 2017

We've competed in a few events during the last couple of weeks and we'd like to share our results....

So far in our school year we have competed in numerous competitions such as football, athletics and tag rugby, boccia, girls football and a Y1 sports festival. 

We were fortunate enough to have won both the football (team 1) and athletics events. Both teams are now advancing into the finals. The athletics are held at Durham University Stockton Campus Sports Centre on Tuesday 28th November. The football finals are being held on Wednesday 22nd November at Northfield School. We have also taken part within the SEND Tees Valley Boccia event.

We are so pleased to be competing in the next round of the Football and Athletics and will let you know how we get on.

We also have some swimming events coming up: a panathlon and swim gala in November and January.

  All children, within our school, thoroughly enjoy taking part within any extra curricular activities and always play with a fantastic team ethic and a smile on our face. (child led blog)

Whitehouse Primary School

Whitehouse Primary School offers it's pupils numerous sporting activities including: festivals, competitions and sport taster sessions, alongside after-school clubs and an inspiring PE curriculum.

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