School Games crowns first set of Platinum Mark winners

Posted 5th December 2017

The School Games team and the Youth Sport Trust would like to extend huge congratulations to our first ever group of School Games Mark Platinum Award winners.

The Platinum Award was launched earlier this year as an extension of the School Games Mark to reward schools who have maintained consistently high standards with their school sport provision. As part of the extended application the eligible candidates, who had achieved five successive gold awards, were asked to submit a detailed case study along with a supporting paragraph from their School Games Organiser (SGO). 

We're delighted to today announce our 104 winning schools and you can download a full list of these schools via the link on the right-hand side.

Our winners will all be exempt from next year's School Games Mark award process and will automatically receive the Platinum Award again in 2018. They will also receive a special plaque to commemorate their achievement and will be entered into a draw to win a surprise presentation visit from a celebrity guest. 

Congratulations again to all our winners!