King Edward VI Aston SGO Area

King Edward VI Aston SGO Area logo
Welcome to the King Edward Aston School Sport Partnership School Games page. On this page you will find all the latest information regarding competition, School Games, virtual and personal challenges and much more.

King Edward Aston School Sport Partnership is located in the heart of Birmingham and provides young people the opportunity to take part in school sport, physical activity and sports leadership.  As we are currently at home or in small groups at school, we will be providing useful links to physical education, physical activities and personal challenge ideas, for schools, parents, carers and pupils to access.  There are many sources of information out there, so these are just a few ideas to keep you going over the next few weeks!

If you would more information on what KESSP has to offer, please feel free to access our website, 

We would like to signpost the following resources for the students in our partnership:

On twitter -  @kesspb for all our daily personal challenges! 


 PE at Home - find weekly ideas about how you can explore, practice and develop physical education ideas whilst you are at home.   These resources also link with other subjects across at focus on early years all the way up to key stage 4.  To find out more about PE at Home, visit twitter @PEatHome1 or our website, where you can download the resources in PDF form with active hyperlinks: 

Alternatively, just click the link below to download your copy!

Iain Mills - You Tube.  Iain has a series of videos aimed at SEND children.   It includes activities based on Sensory integration with a focus on Proprioception and  Vestibular senses.  If you would like to access this, please follow the link below: 

Birmingham SGO's are currently running the Birmingham School Games Challenges.  Go to Twitter @KESSPB.COM to find out how you can take part in our city wide personal challenges or to sign up and take part today!