Impact Awards Case Studies
From schools, SGOs, and Active Partnerships, we have compiled all shortlisted Impact Awards entries here as bite-sized case studies to help inspire you on ways to drive the impact the School Games network can have on young people and their community.
The Impact Awards are designed to showcase the changemakers; those making a positive difference in young people’s lives, and those who can inspire others to do the same. We have been overwhelmed reading about the positive change that is happening in schools around the country and to all those who have made an impact.
The shortlisted individuals and winners for the 2023/24 Impact Awards are:
Engaging Schools
- Summer term 2023: Andy Tennyson (North Yorkshire)
- Autumn term 2023: Alexandra Repton (Stourport) and Tracey Freer (Chadsgrove)
- Spring term 2024: Jimmy McGinn (Archbishop Beck, Cardinal Heenan & Enterprise South Liverpool Academy SGO Area)
Engaging Schools Winner: Jimmy McGinn
Engaging Stakeholders
- Summer term 2023: Mick Troop (West Yorkshire) and Dan Moody (Dorset)
- Autumn term 2023: Hannah Newell (Blackpool)
- Spring term 2024: Emma Lea (Active Partnership - Yorkshire Sport)
Engaging Stakeholders Winner: Emma Lea
Personal Development and Youth Voice
- Summer term 2023: Helen Tonks (SGO, Birmingham)
- Autumn term 2023: Nick Gillard (Exeter)
- Spring term 2024: Abby Miles ( St Bedes Bristol SGO Area)
Personal Development and Youth Voice Winner: Abby Miles
Positive Experiences for Targeted Young People
- Summer term 2023: Helen Tyson (SGO, Burnley) and Sue Allsopp (SGO, Bexley)
- Autumn term 2023: Craig Vickers and Jessica Simons (Greater Manchester)
- Spring term 2024: Danny Kingham and Stuart Davoile ( Westwood & Whitley SGO Area)
Positive Experiences for Targeted Young People Winner: Helen Tyson
School Innovation and Impact
- Summer term 2023: Rebekah Johnson (Teacher, Our Lady Queen of Heaven Catholic Primary School, West Sussex)
- Autumn term 2023: Steve Wilkinson and Berwick Academy (Berwick-upon-Tweed)
- Spring term 2024: Isabelle Riley (School – Shrubland Primary School)
School Innovation and Impact Winner: Steve Wilkinson
Secondary School Engagement and Transition
- Summer term 2023: Marie Ewing (SGO, Middlesbrough)
- Autumn term 2023: Sharon Walls and Cathy Robinson (Lowton / Wigan)
- Spring term 2024: No shortlist
Secondary School Engagement and Transition Winner: Marie Ewing
Young Person Impact
- Summer term 2023: Cathy Robinson (SGO, Wigan)
- Autumn term 2023: Shane German (North Somerset)
- Spring term 2024: James Watson (Heathfield Junior School)
Young Person Impact Winner: Shane German
Best Failure
- Spring term 2024: Becky Lee-Turner & the Northumberland SGOs
Best Failure Winner: Becky-Lee Turner and the Northumberland SGOs
Youth Sport Trust and SailGP Impact League Schools Award
- Spring term 2024: Alexandra Repton (Stourport SGO) and Tracey Freer (Chadsgrove SGO), Rachel Hutchinson (South Bucks SGO), Tanya Angus (Oaklands SGO), Helen Tonks (King Edward VI Aston SGO)
Youth Sport Trust and SailGP Schools Impact League Award Winner: Alexandra Repton & Tracy Freer
You can read all of the shortlisted case studies, along with the shortlisted case studies since 2021/22, via the links to the right-hand side of this page.
Find out more about the Impact Awards
Visit your dashboard or create an account for more details on how to apply for the Impact Awards.