Reframing Competition

For competition to be meaningful and engage all young people, it needs to be planned with intention. This section supports practitioners in designing competitions to achieve wider outcomes.
Approaches to Competition Resource
In 2018/19, a research pilot was undertaken through the School Games. Following the pilot, an interactive resource was created.
The resource considers alternative ways to deliver competition to engage more young people based on the eight themes indicated from research.
The resource aims to support practitioners working with young people through animations, case studies, and top tips.
Approaches to Competition Research
A pilot project was launched to evaluate alternative competition formats through the School Games Organiser network with the overarching aim of increasing young people’s participation in sport and physical activity.
PR Campaign: #ReframeCompetition
To continue to build on the School Games mission and vision, the #ReframeCompetition campaign aims to tackle the negative experiences that exist within competition when there is an over-emphasis on a single outcome. We know these issues are prominent in school sport competitions and often have negative effects on young people taking part. This campaign is part of that support.
We encourage you to share this campaign to your networks to ensure competition is meaningful for all young people.
Do you know why they compete?
What is the first question that you ask young people after taking part in sports competition?
Do they feel part of the team?
How many young people walk away from sport because of a lack of playing time?
How do you manage selection?
How many young people have the opportunity to experience meaningful sports competition that meets their motivation, competence, and confidence?
What do you celebrate?
The School Games mission is putting physical activity and competitive sport at the heart of schools and providing more young people with the opportunity to compete and achieve their personal best.