Blenheim Junior Travel Ambassadors

Miss Williams, 8 Jun 2023

Junior Travel Ambassadors - Blenheim has appointed 4 JTA's. Congratulations Demi Y5, Evangel Y6, Totenda Y5 and Jaiden Y6.

Blenheim Junior Travel Ambassadors

The Junior Travel Ambassador (JTA) scheme encourages peer-to-peer engagement. We work hard at Blenheim promote safer, active and independent travel within the school community. 

It's a fun and engaging way to spread important messages and build skills for life. Our JTA's have delivered their own assembly on the importance of being a 'Smart Mover' and the children are enjoying walking, striding, scooting and jogging to school. We love the monthly delivery of our 'Smart Mover' Badges. 

Smart Movers is a primary school incentive scheme which rewards children aged 4 to 11 years for travelling by all forms of active transport.

The modes of travel are: Walking, Scooting, Cycling, Park and Stride, Public transport.

Travelling by one of the above modes of transport ten or more times a month makes a child a Smart Mover and eligible for one of our special badges!

See the link below for more information.

Blenheim Primary School

Blenheim Primary School is a member of the E21c Academy Trust and is part of a growing community where parents and staff work together in an atmosphere of cooperation to promote a love of learning and the development of the whole person. Primary School is a special time in a child’s life and at Blenheim Primary we go out of our way to ensure the personal family atmosphere that we have nurtured within our school community is cherished. We have extremely high standards and expect all members of the school community to share these in order to provide our children with the very best opportunities.

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