Bransty Summer 1 Forest school Update

Mr Lee, 24 May 2021

What a busy 6 weeks in our Forest school adventures at Bransty! Beltane, The green man, Tinka Tinka, Primitive tool crafts, Bow building, planting trees.... I could go on! Check out the highlight video for a recap and a half!

Bransty Summer 1 Forest school Update

Not only have we continued on offering bespoke 121 and small group interventions at Bransty through our Forest school provision this half term... we have also expanded how many young people are accessing the opportunity to spend time outside immersed in nature. We currently now have 23 young people who are weekly accessing targeted eco-therapy provision through our Forest school work which is AWESOME!  From making Nettle tea to throwing spears we have had some epic times and made some memorable moments for sure! We have also begun to plan sessions with our EYFS pupils around our traditional Forest calendar events and this Half term we were so pleased to welcome the ENTIRE nursery to the woods for some mini sessions around our story time and crafts based around the story and legend The Greenman. 

We loved making our own charcoal from Willow, Carrots and Potatoes!

Making spears and then having a blast throwing them was a huge highlight and complete giggle fest!

Fish head spears, Traditional hunting spears and wet spears were our focusses alongside butter knives!

What`s next?

As we look towards next half term we are hoping for two classes to begin their Forest school adventures through an Introduction programme to Forest school over 6 weeks targeting 2 themes - Transition and SUMO! This will be the first time full classes at Bransty will access our Forest school sessions at Bransty and we are excited to inform those classes about who will dip their toes in the leafy environment in our grounds and just outside our school grounds too! We recently experimented with the space on site with Year 4 accessing the problem solving side of Forest school / Outdoor learning and we were really happy with our ideas and plans at this stage moving forward! WATCH THIS SPACE!

Here is our RECAP and Highlight reel from this half term! ENJOY! 

A massive thank you to all the staff who support these sessions and help the work come to life alongside the pupils. You have been amazing week after week! THANK YOU!

Bransty Primary School

Bransty Primary School is a very special place where each child is an important part of our school family and where children come first. Bransty’s children are our future generation and as such must be nurtured, cared for and educated to the highest standards. This is what we aim to achieve. Your child’s happiness is at the heart of everything we do. A happy child will learn well and reach his or her true potential. A part of our vision states, “Learning is a treasure that follows its owners everywhere”

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