KS1 PE - Week 1

Mr Lee, 10 Jan 2021

This week we will look at the first part of our spring term PE - Dance and Gymnastics! Over the next few weeks we will work together online! I cannot wait to see your progress at the end of term!

KS1 PE - Week 1


WEEK 1 - The Pulse

This term we will be working on some areas of dance starting off with finding the pulse in a song and moving around the room, known as "Travelling." I have found a great example of some dance which really highlights both these areas and will hopefully help get you inspired for todays lesson, so check out the video below before starting the lesson.

Lets get an idea of how this looks...

Around the world by Daft Punk - While you watch the video can you find the pulse when you listen to the song by nodding, clapping or tapping your foot along to the beat? Watch the robots carefully!

Warm up

There are 3 challenges in todays PE video, Can you complete all 3? 


Main Session - Robots

Today we are going to use the theme of ROBOTS  for creating our own mini dance routiene. Click on the video below to join in. We are going to use our theme to help us think about how we move forwards - backwards and side to side - Travelling

Want a bit more?

Find that too easy, fancy some more? Why not try out the KS2 extension task we made for them... Space Dance!


 How did dancing make you feel? 

 Feel free to share any of your thoughts, pictures or videos of your Dance today on Class Dojo! 

See you next week

Mr Lee 

Bransty Primary School

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