Monday 11th of January - Weekly PE Menu

Mr Lee, 10 Jan 2021

Welcome to the first weeks edition of our PE menu. Each week we will post up 5 daily challenges to help you work towards your daily 60 minutes recommended exercise! We look forward to hearing from our pupils who let us know on class dojo how they are doing with it!

Monday 11th of January - Weekly PE Menu


Each week we will be posting up some Physical activity ideas for each day. We know that we need to access 60 minutes exercise each day as a minimum for children to keep them mentally and physically strong! Being active has so many benefits and recently it`s been widely reported the more active we are the better the outcomes for our immune system. Being active keeps us all to be healthier, happier and stronger - something we need to take advantage while Covid-19 disrupts our normal routine. 

Monday 12th of January

Today is using the idea of Yoga to create a fun experience using your imagination with anyone in your home. Grab a buddy, sibling, parent or grandparent and copy each others Yoga poses (you could even facetime or zoom call someone to join in!)

Here are some yoga pose ideas if you get stuck with coming up with some of your own.

Tuesday 13th of January

 Pudsey and Karim Zeroual perform this larger-than-life Super Mood Movers song about the importance of taking care of the world around us.

Wednesday 14th of January

Tanzstudio 10 minute workout challenge from Europe`s famous LED dance crew! 30 second reps to a mix of house/pop and techno music for 10 minutes. The instructor doesn't speak English but that wont stop you getting involved!

Thursday 15th of January

 Build some quick and playful sequences using the Active Classroom Booster and energise your class or home in between lessons. Select the activities, duration and a music track - then off you go!!

Friday the 16th of January

Friday is our official walk and talk day! Its super important to connect with people (vital for all our mental health!) your challenge today is to walk at least 1 mile and share that time with someone outside of your home. Maybe head to a park, beach or green area need your home...There is a little extra challenge too, can you find and photograph something you spot on your walk that is is this shape? - it might be a branch, clover, plant or maybe something even cooler! Post your findings to your class dojo!

See you next week for our next PE menu  which will be shared on Class dojo Monday morning! Why not post up a picture, video or note to your Class dojo page and let us know how you are doing!!

Mr Lee

Bransty Primary School

Bransty Primary School is a very special place where each child is an important part of our school family and where children come first. Bransty’s children are our future generation and as such must be nurtured, cared for and educated to the highest standards. This is what we aim to achieve. Your child’s happiness is at the heart of everything we do. A happy child will learn well and reach his or her true potential. A part of our vision states, “Learning is a treasure that follows its owners everywhere”

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