PE and Mental Well-being - Week 2

Mr Lee, 4 Mar 2021

Its our final week with the Hub and Remote offering of PE! Today we want you where possible to use the afternoon slot of time to invest again in your physical and mental well being! YOU and YOUR brain are worth the investment!

PE and Mental Well-being - Week 2


Today we are going to start with a short video with 2 challenges to get YOU creative outside! We will start by listening to an old Irish folk tale around wisdom and wonder and find out our two challenges today! The most important thing is to GO OUTSIDE - Do your drawings / craft activities etc where possible. Go for a walk, explore a favourite place or maybe go somewhere new! Please upload and share your adventures and work onto Class dojo!

Challenge 1 - Make a Butterfly from the story using natural resources!

Challenge 2 - Find something natural outdoors that is orange - photograph it and share on your Class dojo !

BONUS Challenge - Complete a 60 second sketch of a tree

Velvet Foot - My find for ORANGE! 

I am no where near being an artist, but in 60 seconds its just having a go!


Challenge 1 - Today I would like you to work with your family or classmates to create an obstacle course to dribble and pass your ball through an obstacle course of your design. Indoors / outdoors or maybe even both... YOU DECIDE!

Challenge 2 - Create a game of skittles using toys, cones or random resources from around you. What is the furthest distance you can make the game KS2? What are the coolest skittles you can find KS1?

Have a fantastic time investing in your mental and physical health!


Bransty Primary School

Bransty Primary School is a very special place where each child is an important part of our school family and where children come first. Bransty’s children are our future generation and as such must be nurtured, cared for and educated to the highest standards. This is what we aim to achieve. Your child’s happiness is at the heart of everything we do. A happy child will learn well and reach his or her true potential. A part of our vision states, “Learning is a treasure that follows its owners everywhere”

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