PE and Mental Well-being - Week 1

Mr Lee, 24 Feb 2021

This Friday afternoon you have been given a longer slot than normal to access some PE and Well-being work! Take some time to explore the ideas inside after taking part in the 3 part PE lesson and see which of the other activities you will enjoy most! Enjoy having the extended time with the people around you to access todays content and most importantly, HAVE FUN!

PE and Mental Well-being - Week 1

Lets get Active!

Warming up and starting  our session by getting loosened up is super important. Lets join Go-Noodle for a short 3 minute WAKE UP to WARM UP!

Indoor movement - The Table Challenge

Today we have a series of 3 challenges based around a very normal and unexciting.... table! Each challenge will take 6o seconds and the following video will lead you through the challenges and will include a timer built in. All you need to do is record your result on a bit of paper after each activity. Clear some space around your table as you will need to be able to move around it and underneath it! 

Ball Skill Challenge

Clap and catch! This is a fantastic skill to hone your reactions and catching skills. Perfect for a variety of sports! Can you beat my high score? Click on the video below! 

Don`t forget to submit your high scores - maybe you could film your efforts and upload onto Showbie and Class Dojo?

Go outdoors - Look, Observe, Sketch and Capture

The weather today is great and even if its still a bit damp todays activity has an opportunity for you to engage with nature in a number of ways.  Find out more in the video below! 

Celtic Symbol for Imbolc

What did you do? - Please share it!

When you get home or back in class from your walk today, why not take some time to share your sketch, Twig build and photographs.  If you managed to take some pictures of the new plants springing up from the ground perhaps you could try doodling on top of the photographs like mine below!

Snowdrops! Andy Warhol style!

Bridgid passed by and tickled up a single mushroom

Getting ready in our minds for EVERYONE coming back to school!

In just over a week we will all be back at school with our friends and teachers alongside some new faces too who are joining our classes. I am really excited to see you all... but also quite nervous. I haven`t even met most of you in real life and I have so many names to learn!!!!! This final activity will help us all prepare for returning to school as we share our excitement, thanks and a worry that we might have about it. 

Think about these 3 things and why...

Someone - Teacher or family member - to thank for supporting your learning 

Something you are worried about coming back to school 

Something exciting about coming back to school

 I want to encourage you all to send this to your teacher as a way of letting us know  how you are feeling about school ! Here is mine below which I will send to all staff to share my thoughts and thanks!   


Don`t forget to upload your work online and share with your teachers and staff on Class Dojo and Showbie! I cannot wait to check out what you got up to today!

Mr Lee

Bonus activity - Squash and a squeeze!

 It`s spring , why not make some new space for growth and change that the year has ahead! Tidy up your room, freshen up your tray at school or help your parents at home to tidy an area or space which has gotten cluttered. Doing the normal household stuff and participating in these tasks is a great way to ground ourselves and mentally create more space for the future ahead of us.

Remember, A squash and a squeeze?

Tunes  for chilling / Spring cleaning / Art today

Why not put on some relaxing and chilled out music - this is a fabulous mix from LEAVV who uses the outdoors to influence his music! This 20 -ish minute video also features a collaboration with an animator and story teller! 

My simple snowdrop sketch 

Bransty Primary School

Bransty Primary School is a very special place where each child is an important part of our school family and where children come first. Bransty’s children are our future generation and as such must be nurtured, cared for and educated to the highest standards. This is what we aim to achieve. Your child’s happiness is at the heart of everything we do. A happy child will learn well and reach his or her true potential. A part of our vision states, “Learning is a treasure that follows its owners everywhere”

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