Week 4 PE - Showing our emotions through Dance!

Mr Lee, 2 Feb 2021

This weeks PE is part of our mental health awareness week! Today we are going to look at conveying , showing our emotion, through our body langauage, facial expressions and movement aka dance! Massive thank you to Bobby and Maya for joining us today leading parts of PE this week!

Week 4 PE - Showing our emotions through Dance!

Warm up  1 -  MENTAL HEALTH AWARENESS - Feat Maya, Year 5 

Join Mr Lee and Maya for a UNIQUE warm up in honour of Mental health week!

Warm up 2 - This or that!

One of the funniest warm up evers on YOUTUBE! A fun way to warm down after that last activity!

How can we show emotions... Go for a Mood walk with Go Noodle

A perfect chance to consider our feelings and how we can convey them with... GO NOODLE!

Your Turn - Get creative and have fun!

Your challenge today is to join in with the song below and create your own dance moves showing the emotion (Happy)  to the song HAPPY by Pharrel Williams!

3 green bubbles for any uploaded videos of your dance moves to Class dojo!

Bransty Ball Skill Challenge - feat Bobby, Year 4

Level 1 - Chair pass - how many can you do? + from how far?

Level 2 - Long distance goal - BLINDFOLDED!

Level 3 - Score a goal through an obstacle course of teddies / toys and soft furnishings!


Bransty Primary School

Bransty Primary School is a very special place where each child is an important part of our school family and where children come first. Bransty’s children are our future generation and as such must be nurtured, cared for and educated to the highest standards. This is what we aim to achieve. Your child’s happiness is at the heart of everything we do. A happy child will learn well and reach his or her true potential. A part of our vision states, “Learning is a treasure that follows its owners everywhere”

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