Super Spring 2

Mrs Perry, 31 Mar 2022

What a busy half term this has been! New community links, curriculum links, a commando and competitions!

Super Spring 2

As the term concludes there are many points of note in the PESSPA sphere.

  • Competitions have been hampered by covid (this time I caught it) but others have been enjoyed.  With the terrific Tag Rugby team,  and fantastic female football team both representing Eldon impeccably. 

  • The Year 5 and 6 Gymnastics club has been a huge success. This term has been the first time we have been able to offer the club since 2020. The children loved developing 'flight' in particular. With some fantastic springing  take offs from on the springboard. 

  • The Year 6 have excelled in their Sport Education season with truly outstanding sportsmanship and progress on display. They have been a credit to themselves as has Mr Kennedy who played a pivotal role in the season. The children enjoyed their celebration on Monday. 

  • Mr Kennedy and Miss Thurlow are both complementing their undergraduate course by attending Eldon as volunteers, adding value to our PE offer and their personal development. We are really grateful to them. 

  • We've also hosted other excellent students from UCLAN over the Spring term. All present to learn from Eldon's practice in PE and beyond. Each one has been a marvellous addition to the team!

  • Across Eldon there have been some whole school initiatives and curriculum initiatives that have embraced PE in the form of learning through movement. With Commando Luke leading team building at the Burrow across the school - complementing our OAA learning.

  • And a link has been established with the Tom Finney centre following a super penalty shoot out day for Sports Relief, organised by Mrs Patel.  This has led to Teddy Bear tennis sessions for the children too - complementing our net and wall game learning. 

  •  And the School Super Learning Day included UCLAN wonders helping deliver a resilience boosting physical obstacle course at the Burrow too. Linking learning about the benefits of an active lifestyle on the brain's function and our mental well being. 

Well Done!  Super Learners and staff involved in the above! 

We look forward to see what the Summer term brings for PESSPA at Eldon!

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