Mars Mountain Mission

Mr Neaves, 23 May 2018

As part of the ESA programme for trainee astronauts, our pupils undertook some personal challenges.

Mars Mountain Mission

We are having a STEM themed week at JYS this week, so we broke out the wall bars, dusted off the hanging ropes and brought out the stop watches - then we were up and down the wall bars, climbing ropes and ladders and building up our stamina and upper body strength! All of this was part of the ESA Mission X - Train Like an Astronaut Mission.

Children challenged themselves to climb quicker by timing how long it took to do it three times - then strove to smash this time. For variety, we also set the timer for a minute and challenged them to climb as many times as they could in that minute. VS ended up with a blister on his palm from shinning up and down the rope ladder so many times - there's dedication to the mission! 

Jessie Younghusband Primary School

Jessie Younghusband School is a local authority maintained, one-form entry primary school, located just outside of Chichester's city centre in West Sussex. We have a proud reputation for competing in sport - in particular running and swimming.

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