KS2 Rugby tournament

Miss Burling, 4 Mar 2019

Our rugby team took the stage at the rugby tournament!

KS2 Rugby tournament

We started our rugby tournament in the morning with our team only with three year fives, with four year fours and a year three all stepping up to play within the year five and six competition.  We had three games in the morning, loosing two but winning one, tries coming from Theo year four and Freya year four, not even looking out of place! A massive well done to Olivia Gooch in year three who played amazing, captaining the side aswell!

In the afternoon we took a full year six team, this is were we had four matches to play and taking the stage, winning three matches but loosing one, to a rugby school itself. Tries came from Shane, Josh C, Charlie, Emel, Taia and Kerrie. Doing us very very proud!

Both teams did excellent in this tournament, proud of all of them!


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