GB Athlete visits St Joes!

Miss Bradley, 15 Jun 2018

On Monday 11th June, children from Yr1 to Yr6 all took part in an Olympic style circuit training with GB athlete, Kelly-Jo Robson.

GB Athlete visits St Joes!

On Monday, all children in Year 1 to Year 6 took part in a mini-weightlifting training session. 

The children worked alongside Kelly-Jo Robson who visited the children. Kelly-Jo spoke to the children about how long she had been a weightlifter for and explained that she could life almost twice her own weight! 

Kelly-Jo explained all about her weightlifting and discussed how she got into such an unusual sport. 

She demonstrated to the children different activities that she does in order to help her prepare for her competitions. 

The children practised a squat move called the 'snatch',  involving a taught skipping rope instead of a weightlifting bar! The children had to squat and stand up again while ensuring that the skipping rope was lifted above their heads and remained a straight line. 

The children also practised their ability to do high jumps, moving quickly around obstacles and completing a set up of press ups.  The children also completed an activity where they had to walk on their hands and knees with a cone on their back. They were challenged to move across the room without dropping the cone. 

Another activity that the children enjoyed was squatting and then walking in a squat position, or like a frog. This activity caused the most laughter as the children looked a bit silly while walking!

Please click on the highlighted link below to read more about Kelly-Jo, the athlete who visited the school.  

Kelly-Jo Robson

A huge congratulations to all the children who took part in the athlete training session. So far we have raised over £1000, with some of the money going to Inspired Through Sport and some money going to the school in the form of new sports equipment! 

St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

St Joseph's is an inclusive primary school in Billingham. At St Joseph's all children are encouraged to be the best that they can be, especially in sports.

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