Girls Football off to a Winning Start

Mr Woodhouse, 16 Oct 2017

On Friday 13th October the Girls Football Team had their first match against St Blasius.

Girls Football off to a Winning Start

For some in the team it was their first ever match for the school, this brought excitement but also lots of nerves. Everybody gave it their all and this payed off half way through the first half when Taylor managed to smack in a loose ball from a brilliant Marnie throw in. 

In the second half Wroxall have their defence to thank particularly Ruby, Lottie, Rosie and Erin who was brilliant in goal. Grace and Ellie were fantastic in midfield and they never stopped running and their determination seemed to spur the team on to keep hold the one goal lead which they did. 

Well done girls!

Wroxall Primary School

As part of the Stenbury Federation, we at Wroxall share in the vision for PE and Sport ‘to develop children into physically literate, active and healthy young people’. We have three main aims: - To provide a positive experience in a safe , enjoyable and encouraging environment. - To develop the fundamental movement skills and knowledge for a lifetime love of being fit and healthy. - To ensure the children are able to be confident, balanced and coordinated young people whether sporty or not.

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