Oliver Class Team Building

Mr Woodhouse, 28 Sep 2017

Year 4 have been focusing on having a Growth Mindset in PE recently and this week they were set some tricky team building tasks, could they work together and persevere to achieve?

Teamwork and cooperation are very important things to have and Year 4 have been seeing how well they work together in some tough team building games in PE this week. 

The aim was to get a ball to the other end of the hall using just the poles to carry it. At first there were lots of different ideas all being talked about and the children wanted to do it 'their own way' after a while they started to pull together and encourage and found they had more success. 

Wroxall Primary School

As part of the Stenbury Federation, we at Wroxall share in the vision for PE and Sport ‘to develop children into physically literate, active and healthy young people’. We have three main aims: - To provide a positive experience in a safe , enjoyable and encouraging environment. - To develop the fundamental movement skills and knowledge for a lifetime love of being fit and healthy. - To ensure the children are able to be confident, balanced and coordinated young people whether sporty or not.

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