Physical Literacy
Physical Literacy is our relationship with movement and Physical Activity throughout life. The new physical literacy consensus statement for England (launched September 2023) encourages us to look at engagement with all aspects of physical activity through a different lens. It considers how individuals move, think, feel and connect in and through movement and how circumstances and past experiences impact how positive our experiences can be and ultimately the relationship that we have with Physical Activity. As such Physical Literacy brings enduring value to creating positive experiences with the curriculum and forms the basis for an effective PE, School Sport and Physical Activity school offer.

The School Games plays an important role in supporting Physical Literacy through carefully targeted competitions/events that ensure positive experiences for all, and through supporting children to be active throughout the day.
Schools can seek help from their SGO to find effective ways to start to think about Physical Literacy for their staff and wider community. Further information on the Physical Literacy consensus statement can be found here. Linking with their work on Youth Engagement schools can consider how any student voice exercises undertaken will inform their work on physical literacy in the future.