10 Minute Shake Up: Black Panther's Warrior Mission

Key Stage:
  • Key Stage 1
  • Key Stage 2
  • Less than 10mins
  • Soft balls or paper scrunched into balls
Led by:
  • Teacher
  • School staff
  • Young Leaders
  • Parents
  • Self led by young people
10 Minute Shake Up: Black Panther's Warrior Mission
Downloadable PDF (e.g. resource card, lesson plan)

Activity details

10 Minute Shake Up activities are Disney-themed games that aim to inspire children to have fun, rebuild confidence in being physically active, and develop new and longer-term physical skills through 10 minute bursts of activity. 

This resource: 

  • works outdoors and for a range of settings 
  • can be used with small or large groups 
  • is easy to use 
  • requires minimal equipment (cones or other items to mark spaces) 
  • is designed for 4-11 year olds. 

Further resources are available on the Campaign Resource Centre and School Zone which you may find useful, including physical activity, nutrition, and mental health resources.


DHSC (Campaign Resource Centre)

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