England Hockey - Hockey Heroes - Goal Scoring & Dribbling Challenge

Key Stage:
  • Key Stage 1
  • Key Stage 2
Led by:
  • Teacher
  • School staff
  • Young Leaders
  • Parents
  • Self led by young people
England Hockey - Hockey Heroes - Goal Scoring & Dribbling Challenge

Activity details

Hockey Heroes is specially aimed at beginners aged 5 - 8 years. This activity helps pupils practice their dribbling and goal scoring skills in a fun and creative way. Pupils are also encouraged to focus on their outer power and think how are they going to persevere even if they miss the goal.
How many goals can they score in a set period?

Activity: Individual

Purpose of Activity: Increase pupil physical activity through fun personal challenge

Including all pupils: Think STEP for differentiation

Space: Outdoors - Ensure the space is suitable for dribbling and shooting for goal

Equipment: Stick, Ball , items for a obstacle course and goal


England Hockey

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