Rounders - Leg Gate

Key Stage:
  • Key Stage 1
  • Key Stage 3
  • Key Stage 2
  • Key Stage 4
Led by:
  • Teacher
  • School staff
  • Young Leaders
  • Parents
Rounders - Leg Gate
Downloadable PDF (e.g. resource card, lesson plan)

Activity details

An activity for 6-8 children that helps to improve each child's long barrier/gate position for fielding in rounders. This activity can also be used to help improve communication and friendships between children. 

Number of participants:Group

Purpose of activity: Increase physical activity through a fun rolling and stopping activity

Including all pupils: Variations included

Pupil roles: Participants

Space: Indoors/outdoors. Ensure there is is enough space for players to line up with space between each person.

Equipment:One ball per group playing


Rounders England

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