Inter-House Cross Country

Owen (Year 5), 17 Apr 2018

This year we did a team cross country.

Inter-House Cross Country


There were six teams called Tennyson, Curie, Drake, Nightingale, Nelson and Raleigh. We all had a team each and it was amazing and hard. Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 did a triangle of the field and a lap, Year 3 and 4 did two triangles and a lap and Year 5 and 6 did one triangle and two laps. 

Some leaders from SJN acted as hares and wore an orange bib.  The little ones had to follow him or her. The hare would run at a steady jog and the others had to follow them and keep them on track. As a Sports Ambassador, I helped. If the kids needed some help I would be there to cheer them on. I helped all my friends that needed it and tried my best at the same time. I came 38th in the boys’ race. Oh, and when you finished you got a card that said what place you came then you had to walk to a table and tell them what team you were in then they would write your score next to the person’s name. Then me and some of my friends had to add up the score and the scores were very close. I had to keep the results a secret until we announced it in assembly.

There was some good runners and they tried their hardest and especially reception. They were thinking this is hard but they tried their best. They were smiling all the way through it. I was a marshal for four races and my job was to cheer people on when they were getting tired and then when they fell over I had to help them back up. I had to fetch someone’s shoe from the other side of the field!!! I had to cheer people on and I also had to run myself. It was a busy day!

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