Boccia 12s - Competition format

Key Stage:
  • Key Stage 1
  • Key Stage 2
Led by:
  • Teacher
  • School staff
  • Young Leaders
  • Self led by young people
Boccia 12s - Competition format
Downloadable PDF (e.g. resource card, lesson plan)

Activity details

Boccia 12s is the official shortened version of the team game of Boccia, incorporating an understanding of the game through ideas for tactics and teamwork. 

  • Number of participants: Group 
  • Purpose of activity: Increase pupil physical activity through skills practice and team competition 
  • Including all pupils: STEP framework included 
  • Pupil roles: Participant, Leader, Official 
  • Space: Indoors - Ensure the space is suitable for target practice and game play 
  • Equipment: Boccia ball set with jack, beanbags or paper balls (alternative), zoned target mats, skittles, cones, masking tape, red/blue bats or wristbands, chairs


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