Dorset School Games Poetry Competition

If you think that you can rhyme, And get your words down line by line, We need your help with MOVE IT WEEK, And want to see your poetry technique, So write your poem and send it in, And you might be the one to win.

Dorset School Games Poetry Competition

  This year’s Dorset School Games are going virtual! MOVE IT WEEK from 21st –25th June will be a celebration of sport and physical activity for all Dorset Schools. Help us to make it really special by writing a poem to be read as part of the opening ceremony.

Your poem could be inspired by:

· Your thoughts and experience of physical activity and sport over the last year.

· What you’ve missed about participating in physical activity

· How it’s helped you to stay focused whilst we’ve all been at home.

· How you’ve stayed fit or aided your mental health 

· How sport and physical activity can help us all come back stronger

· The School Games Values 

Entries can be written, spoken or recorded. Email your entry to:   [email protected] by Friday 28th May 2021.