North Dorset Primary Leadership Academy 2021

A return for the Bronze Ambassador programme to North Dorset allowing peer to peer guidance and motivation in sport and physical activity.

This October saw a return to a centralised site for the North Dorset Primary Leadership Academy (PLA) after the virtual offer which took place last year.  The PLA is designed to develop a selected cohort of year 5 & 6 students and provide them with the knowledge and skills to become Bronze Ambassadors within their school allowing them to promote and support physical activity and sport within their school amongst their fellow students. 

It's always a good start to the day as the students are presented with their Dorset School Games Bronze Ambassadors uniform marking them out and identifying them as the outstanding students and game changers that they are.

This years PLA took place at Gillingham School and saw a fantatsic attendance from 24 North Dorset schools and enabled 117 students to be trained in a variety of workshops giving them the confidence to return to their own schools to engage with their fellow students, classmates, friends, and younger years to promote the benefits and enjoyment of physical activity and sport.

This year's Bronze Ambassadors took part in 4 workshops over the course of the day, run by a combination of School Games Organisers and Year 11 Sports Ambassadors from Gillingham School, and participated in such activities as playground games, communication and teamwork activities, planning sessions to design & implement a new initiative in school and learning how the S.T.E.P. principle can help them to set up and start new sessions or clubs within their schools.


Once the academy day has finished and the Bronze Ambassadors return to school, this is where they really play a vital role in the promotion of physical activity and sport within their school, ranging across North Dorset from such things as  running lunchtime sessions for younger years, to helping staff during PE lessons to leading school sports councils to helping plan and run school sports days and much, much more.

If you're school would like to be involved in the Primary Leadership Academy and you would like to offer your students the opportunity to become Bronze Ambassadors, your PE Lead can contact your SGO, Nico, to get the ball rolling.