Virtual Tennis & Football

Two more fantastic virtual competitions are LIVE NOW for you to download.


You can now download straight from the North Dorset area page, the next two Dorset School Games Virtual Competition; Tennis & Football.

These events are now LIVE and will run until 10th July 2020.  

These competitions offer the flexibility of independence for students working at home whilst also offering a competitive element for working with your children at school. This format will enable you to motivate all your students with whatever their working environment. The goal is to give students a chance to improve their skills and give them a chance to compete, whilst giving them back that sense of belonging to a team and their schools.

The format and videos are clickable from the links on each pdf.

Safety: We encourage everyone in the household to take part in the Competition (where possible) but all activity should take place under adult supervision, ensuring;

• All surfaces are clear, dry and free from debris.

• Sufficient space is cleared around all activity – ensure there are no obstacles around activity.

• Think about where you completing the challenges and ensure it is safe to do so.


As per our previous virtual events, the scoring and results are not the be all and end all of these competitions, forms are available to report your scores for each event through the link to Google forms, but we are more than happy for you to also just participate for your own enjoyment.