New NCMP report on changes in child obesity in England

The increase in child obesity prevalence in 2020 to 2021 is the largest increase recorded in the NCMP since the programme began in 2006 to 2007. The headline figures were published by NHS Digital in November 2021. In the new report published today, we focus on the recent increases in obesity and severe obesity prevalence and examine how the increases vary between different population groups.

New NCMP report on changes in child obesity in England

 Today the Population Health Analysis (PHA) team in the OHID Public Health Analysis Directorate published a new report, read it here.

Main messages

  • Prior to 2020 to 2021 prevalence of obesity and severe obesity has seen only small annual changes that have not exceeded 1.1 percentage points, since the start of the NCMP in 2006.
  • In 2020 to 2021 unprecedented increases were seen in the prevalence of obesity of 4.7 percentage points in Reception boys, 4.4 percentage points in Reception girls, 5.6 percentage points in Year 6 boys and 3.3 percentage points in Year 6 girls.
  • Boys, particularly in Year 6, have experienced the largest increases in obesity and severe obesity.
  • The largest increases in the prevalence of obesity and severe obesity in boys and girls have occurred in the most deprived areas of England, resulting in the large and persistent disparities in child obesity having worsened.
  • Disparities in obesity prevalence between ethnic groups have also increased with the ethnic groups that previously had the highest obesity prevalence, in the most part, experiencing the largest increases.
  • These increases in child obesity and severe obesity prevalence in 2020 to 2021 follow the COVID-19 pandemic which resulted in school closures and other public health measures. More data is needed to know whether this is a long-term increase.

Data throughout the report is presented in similar charts; a diagram is included at the beginning of the report showing how to interpret the charts.

For more information please search for:

Obesity and Healthy Weight Team

Diet Obesity and Healthy Behaviours

Office for Health Improvement and Disparities

Department for Health and Social Care

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