Primary Leadership Academies

Primary Leadership Academies have take two different approaches to usual this year. They are either being delivered in house by staff with our training pack or I am visiting schools to teach the skills directly. Either way we are ensuring the leadership and training opportunities are still on offer across Bournemouth.

Primary Leadership Academies


The Primary Leadership Academies are a core part of our programme. Training Bronze Ambassadors is essential to our work.   They are used for all manner of activities; play leaders, sports councils, helping run extra curricular clubs, helping in C4L clubs … etc, all whilst helping to promote sport, health and physical activity within their schools. 

Our normal method of mass delivery covering whole areas and multiple schools in a day is not possible this year.  A condensed version of the training package has been compiled into a 2 hour, bubble friendly, socially distanced workshop enabling the SGO to visit your school to work with and train your Bronze Ambassador candidates.  Schools who do not wish a visit, can apply for a training pack and support to provide their own in-house training. 

The process is ongoing but  children across years 5 & 6 trained are still accessing the training and being  tasked with improving sport & activity opportunities and support for their fellow students. 

If you wish to receive a visit for your school, please speak to your PE lead who will contact the SGO for Bournemouth.

Bournemouth SGO Area

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